

Pinterest Lab Bonus

Enroll in The Pinterest Lab with my exclusive link and get…

How to Replicate My Best-Performing Titles for Pinterest

Crafting Titles That Convert


Winning Subscribers On Pinterest Just Got Easier…

One Less Thing To Think About 🙌

Make Titles That Get Clicks

of ALL Pinterest searches
are NOT brand specific. 🤯

But how do you stand out in searches?

Meaning you and your content get just as much air-time as any Big Name Brand.

Such a win!

5 Reasons You’re Not Advancing In Your Interviews


5 Tips For Female Professionals

right? Or...

The Chicken Dish That Saved My Marriage


Honey Garlic Chicken

There’s a difference between

An un-ignorable title. 🌟

The title of your pin will win their attention… or it will leave you on read, Pinterest-style.

That’s why I’ve gathered my most clicked titles, subject lines, and more…

Plus Jenna’s most-clicked Pinterest pins + why these titles work into this bonus so you can shine in ANY customer search.

I’ll share the features and elements that every popular title shares so you won’t just be stuck with title examples to re-imagine…

Crafting Titles That Convert:

You’ll have the tools to endlessly create

(or share with ChatGPT or a VA so they can endlessly create)

high converting titles for all your content.



And more traffic to your business means more money in your pocket.

(Plus, when that traffic costs you nothing to begin with?
Pure profit, baby! 💰)

Pinterest turns the content you’re already creating into a traffic-generating machine. 📈

Jenna Kutcher will teach you how to go from…

  • Content Already Created…
  • To Strategized Pins That Push Your Stuff To 20x More People …

  • To More Traffic To Your Website (With ZERO Ad Spend)...

Inside The Pinterest Lab,

THAT ☝️ Is What You’ll Learn Inside The Pinterest Lab.

To Converting Subscribers, Buyers, and Loyal Followers …

In Under 1 Hour A Week


Because I wholeheartedly believe in learning from those who do what they teach.

Everything I know about how to use Pinterest in my business, I learned from Jenna…

  •  3.5 million monthly views from Pinterest alone

  • Pinterest as the #1 traffic driver in her multi-million dollar business

  • A vote of confidence from over 15,000 business owners who’ve boosted their traffic with The Pinterest Lab

  • 2 kids, a thriving business, and zero time for anything complicated or low yield

The girl with…

Meet Jenna

Show up in the right search results for the right people (who need, want, and will sign up or pay for your stuff) 🤩

But Let’s Break It Down Even Further.

Inside The Pinterest Lab, You’ll Learn How To…

Streamline your content creation so it only SEEMS like you’re everywhere 📆

Set up your profile + strategize your board to make the algorithm fall in love with you 💞

Use Pinterest-specific Search Engine Optimization so your content shows up in that first, beautiful search 🌟 (and continues to show up for a looong time)

Perfectly design a pin in < 20 minutes 🖼️

Nail your title (with my exclusive bonus!) so they’re hooked from hello 😍

Measure website traffic, shares, signups, and sales with Jenna’s Pinterest Analytics Blueprint 📊

Schedule your pins to set-and-forget your Pinterest strategy (seriously) 🚵‍♀️

Templates, cheat sheets, keyword guides, and more to get through the program in an hour

And automate your new traffic system so it requires less than an hour per week to sustain


to amplify your traffic, growth, and profits while taking your sweet time back. 🙌

That’s less than an hour per week

And You Can Get Started For Just

 $54. 🤯 

For Less Than Half Of What You’d Shell Out On Monthly Ad Spend, You’ll Learn How To Win Free Traffic For Life.

Get The Pinterest Lab   +   Your FREE Bonus, Crafting Titles That Convert

To beat finicky algorithms, get more miles out of the content you work so hard to create, and grow your audience in a way that drastically increases your revenue.


You May Be Jenna’s Student, But You’re Mine  Too 💛

When you enroll in The Pinterest Lab with me, you become an integral member of my community.

Whether you need help with your enrollment decision or we can help you during the program, my team is on standby to support you with any need that arises. 

This is not a buy it and be forgotten situation. 

You can contact us with questions any time!

Here at Team Porterfield, we pride ourselves on 5-star, roll-out-the-red-carpet customer service

I don’t think you should be on every social media platform.

Creating content for Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, blah, blah, blah 😵‍💫…

That’s a 1-way ticket to content burnout.

I’m all about creating less… and repurposing more.

That ☝️ will keep you consistent, which will make you feel “everywhere” without having to be everywhere.

So I say, pick ONE social media platform. Then let that content loose into the Pinterest search engine, a FREE platform that requires little time to get a LOT of repurposing power.🔥

Here’s Something You Probably Weren’t Expecting To Hear…


So cheers 🥂 to a year of getting way more accomplished – views, traffic, subscribers, and sales – with way fewer hours on the books. 

ALL my best, 

Get The Pinterest Lab   +   Your FREE Bonus,
Crafting Titles That Convert


                                       Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running an online business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.

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